Answer :
1. The principle of progression describes the gradual development of the athlete's physical work capacity by carefully increasing the training stress. Overload means to load to excess. ... And these include first, to manipulate the frequency, duration, volume and intensity of the training session.
2. If you want to improve your endurance: Do sets of 12-15 reps per set. If you want to get muscular hypertrophy: Do sets of 7-12 reps per set. If you want to improve your overall strength: Do sets of 4-6 reps per set. If you are competing in a strength sport and want to improve maximal strength: Do sets of 1-3 reps per
3. Use the "2 for 2" rule when deciding if it's time to increase the amount of weight you're lifting: When you can do two more reps with a given weight than you started out with for two consecutive workouts, increase the weight.
4. the 1 RM test is most accurate as it strictly involves one lifting a maximum weight while maintains appropriate form.