the following assignments and write at least 200 words.

What do you think about the different treatment of females in so many of these ancient civilizations, particularly ancient Greece and Rome? Do you think that women and girls are discriminated against in modern society today? Give specific examples to back up your argument.

Answer :

When Women in the ancient civilization were different from men they were treated like they were no ones. Before in some civilizations they could only go to a few years of school then after that that they had to start learning how to become a wife or respect their husband. But then later on they had to learn how to clean the house, sew, cook, and man household needs. Women were treated like they needed to stay at home for a lot of time taking care of the house, not working, and made it difficult to be treated fairly like men back in the ancient civilizations.

-This is all I can think of, sorry if it wasn't too helpful, These are 105 words (Used word count in goog. doc.)