Sam’s kids talked him into putting up the basketball hoop that their grandparents got them for Christmas. On a quiet Saturday afternoon, Sam is busy nailing the backboard to the front of their garage facing the street when one of the officers of the homeowners association walks by. "I’m so sorry," she says, "but you’ll have to take that down. Basketball hoops in direct view of the street are prohibited." What is in place in Sam’s subdivision that would prohibit this?

Answer :

Answer: Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs)


Covenants, conditions and restrictions are rules that guide some homes placed by the builder or homeowners. These rules varies with what the residents putting up the rule want, as they are not a fixed or particular rule in most cases.

Concerning Sam's incident with the homeowners association, it is one of their rules as homeowners to desist placing basketball court opposite the streets, and everyone must abide by the rule once resident there.