Write a static generic method PairUtil.minmax that computes the minimum and maximum elements of an array of type T and returns a pair containing the minimum and maximum value. Require that the array elements implement the Measurable interface of Section 10.1.2.

Answer :



The following code is written in Java. It is hard to fully create the code without the rest of the needed code including the T class and the Measurable interface. Regardless the following code can be implemented if you have that code available.

 public static T minmax(ArrayList<T> mylist) {

       T min = new T();

       T max = new T();

       for (int x = 0; x < mylist.size(); x++) {

           if (mylist.get(x) > max) {

               max = mylist.get(x);

           } else if (mylist.get(x) < min) {

               min = mylist.get(x);




       return (min, max);
