Answer :
this one is for your egg drop question
first question -
Use this worksheet to design your device and record your data. You can then use this form to help you write your lab report.
Height of egg drop: _5ft._
Ideas for Prototype Design
Teepee, large cube , small cube
Preliminary Sketches (attach separate paper if needed)
Option A: teepee
Advantages: Disadvantages:
● fully covered ● egg might crack
● could stand higher distances ●egg will most likely bounce around around but not crack but most likely to crack
Option B: large cube
Option C: smaller cube
more advantages and disadvantages
Advantages: Disadvantages:
● egg will be tightly secured so nothing bounces around
● egg might crack depending on the impact to the floor
Which of the three designs will you move forward with? Explain your reasoning for selecting this design.
I think i'm going to be moving forward with the teepee design
Building the Prototype
What modifications, if any, did you make to the basic design during the construction process?
I made it a little smaller than the original design
Will your device cushion the egg? How will your device do this?
I think it will cushion the design if i put the plastic bag in with the egg it should prevent it from moving around to much
Will your device increase the time it takes for the egg to impact the ground? How will your device do this?
I think the extra weight added to the design might affect it by speeding up the process down to the floor
Record your observations and the results of the experimental tests of your device below.
First i tried the egg without the plastic bag and it cracked so i made the design smaller and added the plastic bag this time
Evaluating Your Prototype
What worked well? I would say definitely the plastic bag keeping the egg in place
Which features can be improved upon? The structure itself as in where the string and tape were
How could the design of this device be improved? More balance i guess because the egg would move alot without the bag
Why would this change be an improvement? What force or momentum principle is this improvement based on? If the egg had more balance then it would have a less chance of cracking i think this is a type of impulse toward the ground bc of the egg’s weight
Sketch of Final Design
Draw a well-labeled sketch of the final design.
( i provided it :) )
okie peace!