On April 5, 1856, Booker T. Washington was born into slavery. Washington later became a teacher, founded Tuskegee University and was the first African-American to be shown on a postage stamp. Who is another African-American that you would honor with a postage stamp? Explain why in a 7 sentence response?

Answer :

Another African American I would honor with a postage stamp would be Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was an enslaved black woman who rescued slaves through safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She was a prominent figure in political activism and was an American abolitionist. She made 13 missions to rescue about 70 slaves. What Harriet Tubman did was remarkable. She was also never caught and never lost any of her “passengers”. For these reasons, she deserves her own postage stamp to be forever immortalized in American history.