What is the value that the author of the speech gives to democracy? Democracy means working together. It mentions that "...We, the living, must dedicate ourselves here to the unfinished task that those who fought here advanced so much and nobly." The author mentions that WE as people should work TOGETHER as a democracy.
What sacrifices can exist to defend democracy and freedom? The sacrifices that the brave men who fought here today. We've come too far to give up, therefore the author is listing a couple different sacrifices to defend democracy and freedom.
What does the author mean when he speaks of a government of the people, by the people and for the people? The author is trying to emphasize his/her main points. The overall text is about how we should continue to defend democracy and freedom and that the 'government of the people, by the people and for the people' will never disappear. The last sentence has it said.
Hope that helps!