Answer :
1. "She looked surprised," she said. "Your garden must be big," he said. "That it is." He had plans to make it bigger. He took the ladder out of the garage, and he set it up in the garden room. When he was on the ladder, he could reach the top of the walls. Now he could have trees in his garden. He grew a pear tree and a walnut tree. He made vines to hang from the branches. It rained one night and he lay awake. "My garden will be gone," he thought. It was not gone, only a few vegetables washed away.
2. This must be where she lost my present. I was looking for it in the sludge, sniffed snow. I looked in the snow for a package or the snow print of a package, but the snow next to the sled marks was unbroken. I, Nate the Great, was puzzled how could something drop off the sled and not be in the snow or leave a mark in the snow. There were no footprints either.
3. Winston is one of the most laid back people I know. He is tall and slim with black hair, and he always wears a t-shirt and black jeans. His jeans have holes in them and his baseball boots are scruffy too. He usually sits at the back of the class and he often seems to be asleep. However, when the exam results are given out, he always gets an a. I don't think he's as lazy as he appears to be.