Answer :
I like a lot of songs I can name 10
1. Dangerous woman- Ariana Grande
2. No one- Alicia Keys
3. Before you go- Lewis Calpri I think that’s how you spell it
4. Bohemian rhapsody- queen
5. I don’t wanna miss a thing- Aerosmith
6. Rock with you- Micheal Jackson
7. Dirty Diana - Micheal Jackson
8. Lovely- Billie Ellish
9. Miss independent- Kelly Clarkson
10. Rock my world- Micheal Jackson
1. Dangerous woman- Ariana Grande
2. No one- Alicia Keys
3. Before you go- Lewis Calpri I think that’s how you spell it
4. Bohemian rhapsody- queen
5. I don’t wanna miss a thing- Aerosmith
6. Rock with you- Micheal Jackson
7. Dirty Diana - Micheal Jackson
8. Lovely- Billie Ellish
9. Miss independent- Kelly Clarkson
10. Rock my world- Micheal Jackson
i'll link some spotify playlists
and desire by meg myers
you're welcome :)