Answer :
Hippies made up the counterculture, as well as other self-described “bohemians.” They resisted in many ways, creating counter cultural art and forming independent communities. Actually learn this stuff - it’s really important to our society.
counter culture in the 60s was a ‘movement’ is sorts. the 60s was a time of activism, with many minority groups clamoring for change in the united states. with ‘counter culture’ we see a movement of young adults and people who embraced ‘hippie culture’. because of the baby boom from post WWII, young people of the 60s had a impact and consumer power. The Counter culture youth was a stark contrast to their parents, rejected the cultural standards of their parents and rejection of conventional social norms. the counter culture reflected themes and subjects of music, peace, love, harmony, freedom of sex, and psychedelic drugs, the counter culture reflected the rebellion in youth and the ideas of what freedom meant in America.