On one street in Samtredia, where the houses are numbered one after the other, live Yuza, Glonti and Ramin. There are three times as many houses between Yuza and Glonti as there are between Glonti and Ramin. Ramin's house number is three times Yuza's house number. What a house the Glonts live in

If there are exactly 13 houses between Yuza and Ramin's houses. A) 12; 8) 13; a) 14; D) 15; a) 16; 3) 17.​

Answer :




if ramin's house number = 3 yuza's

then choices are: n×3

1 , 3 | 2 , 6 | 3 , 9 | 4 , 12 | 5 , 13 | 6 , 18 | 7 , 21

since there are 13 house between yuza and ramin

thus it's 7 , 21 (because there's 13 numbers between 7 and 21)

yuza lives in house 7

ramin live in house 21

and since houses between yuza and glonti = 3 times houses between glonti and ramin, with a ratio of 3:1

13 - 1 = 12 (we subtracted 1 for glonti's house)

3:1 , 3+1=4




9 and 3 are the numbers of houses in each side with glonti in the middle

9 houses - glonti's house - 3 houses

7 + 9 = 16 (yuza's house number 7 plus 9 houses ahead)

glonti lives in the house: 16 + 1 = 17