Recommend Two ways in which women and children can be protected from Discrimination and violance​

Answer :

Economic independence for women. In cultures where women cannot own property and have few of the rights required to survive independently, women are forced to remain under the headship of violent men who rule their household. Likewise, the children are also trapped in that household. And in countries where women do not have guardianship rights over children, those women who do flee domestic violence often leave the children behind.
Parenting classes and early childhood resources. A lot of domestic violence comes from stress and from repeating behaviors that were learned in childhood. When young parents don't understand typical childhood development and haven't had positive parenting methods modeled for them, the behaviors of typical children quickly become overwhelming for the parents and a default to the panicked, angry violence that they grew up in. The parents need education and the opportunity to build positive instead of negative parenting habits in the face of life's challenges. They also need access to affordable childcare and to screening and early intervention for the children who are not developing typically.


Identify risky situations

Trust your gut feeling

Use verbal or physical resistance

Understand that perpetrators could be someone you know


Before a se xual assault, women often say they felt like "something was off," about the perpetrator's behavior — the person was acting in ways that made the woman feel uncomfortable. But women don't always trust this feeling. But they should because it could save them.
