Little help with these questions?

1) Coketown was a fictional place invented by Dickens as a stereotype for many British industrial cities. What was the general appearance of Coketown?

2) How prevalent or widespread was pollution? Use at least two quotes and explain what they reveal about this type of town.

3) Why is this excerpt an indictment (charge of a serious crime) of the Industrial Revolution? Draw upon at least three examples from the extracts to support your answer.

4) How valuable do you feel this fictional novel is as a primary source? What are its benefits and drawbacks?  (NOTE:  A primary source is a first-hand account of an event or topic. They are the most direct evidence of a time or event because they were created by people or things that were there at the time or event.)

Answer :

Oh okie oh gosh oh yeah sweetie no I don’t want to you to go up

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