Answer :
He maybe just needs friends. If he’s popular, he might just be trying to lead you on. If he does any sweet sappy-romantic stuff, you know the answer. If you don’t like him, move on queen.
My guess is he does like you and he is one of those creepy touchy-feely guys so I would watch out because if the touching gets worse you got a problem. I wouldn't be too worried about it unless like I said he touches you some more. If you need any more help/advise just ask a question. don't be afraid to ask. Im a guy so I can understand guy body language (not trying to make that sound weird, I am straight so don't think I said that cause I like men, I 100% like girls) so a bit of track there, but any ways he is more than likely trying to impress you or he was dared by a group of friends to do stuff like that and ask weird questions.
What was the question he asked, that would help out a lot.
Glad I could help (:
Hope he stops messing with you!