• Highlight all repeating initial consonant sounds in yellow.
• Highlight repeating sounds within words in green.
• jot down any patterns in lines, stanzas, or rhythm.
With a partner: identify the similes in the poem and explain their effect. Ask students to relate these images to the title of the poem. How is the light “enchanted”?
“like a green
latticework of branches,
on every leaf,” and drifting down like clean
white sand.
A latticework is a sort of design, it can be on clothes, on wood etc. So when they said like a green latticework of branches shining on every leaf, they probably meant a lot of branches with leaves looking like that design.
Inpendent assignment: Answer the three open response questions below using the R.A.C.E. strategy
What feeling are suggested in lines 1-9 of the poem? How does the poem suggest those feelings?
A cicada is an insect that makes a high pitched, continual sound. Re-read lines 10-12, what repeated sound, or alliteration, do you hear and how are the sounds connected to the poems meaning?
Exit Ticket:
Does the poem meet the requirements of an Ode? Why or why not?