Suppose a farmer wants to estimate the true variance in daily milk yield from the dairy cows on her farm. The farmer randomly selects five dairy cows from those on her farm. She records the total amount of milk each cow yields in a single day. The farmer then computes the variance in daily milk yield from the dairy cows among these five cows.
Classify each description as one of a parameter, variable, population, sample, data, or statistic. Each classification has one description.
Parameter a quantity equivalent to the volume of milk produced by a randomly selected cow
Variable the variance in daily milk production among the farmer's cows
Data the variance in daily milk production among the cows in the farmer's sample
Statistics the five cows selected by the farmer measurements collected on cows selected by the farmer
Population all of the farmer's dairy cows
Sample the five cows selected by the farmers

Answer :


Sample = The 5 cows selected by the farmer.

Population = all of the farmer's dairy cows

Statistic = The five measurements collected on cows selected by the farmer.

Data = Variance in daily milk production among the cows in the farmer's sample

Parameter = a quantity equivalent to the volume of milk produced by a randomly selected cow

Step-by-step explanation:

Population refers to all members belonging to a particular group of interest ; all the farmer's dairy cows

Sample : A small subset of observation selected from the sample; 5 selected cows from the population.

Statistic: Numeric characteristic of the observations derived from the sample

Parameter : Numeric characteristic of observation derived from the population.

Data: gathered figures calculated from either sample or population ; the variance in Daily milk production.