Interstate highway numbers Primary U.S. interstate highways are numbered 1-99. Odd numbers (like the 5 of 95) go north/south, and evens (like the 10 or 90) go east/west. Auxiliary highways are numbered 100-999, and service the primary highway indicated by the rightmost two digits. Thus, I-405 services 1-5, and I-290 services -90. Given a highway number, indicate whether it is a primary or auxiliary highway. If auxiliary, indicate what primary highway it serves. Also indicate if the (primary) highway runs north/south or east/west. Ex: If the input is 90 the output is I-90 is primary, going east/west. Ex: If the input is 290 the output is I-290 is auxiliary, serving 1-90, going cast/west. Ex: If the input is: 0 the output is O is not a valid interstate highway number. See Wikipedia for more info on highway numbering. Load default templ else 1 nighway_number - int(input) 2 Type your code here. " 4 if highway_number - 0: 5 print(highway_number, 'is not a valid interstate highway number.') 6 if highway_number in range(1, 99-1): 7 if highway..number % 2 - : 8 print('I-' highway number, "is primary, going east/west.") 9 print("I-' highway_number, "is primary, going north/south." 11 else: 12 served - highway_number % 100 13 if highway number - 1000: print highway_number, 'is not a valid Interstate highway number.') 15 if highway number in range(99, 999.1): 16 if highway_number 2 - 0 print('I..highway_number, 'is auxiliary, serving I.', 'x.f.' Xserved, 'going eastwest.) 18 else: print('1', highway_number, 'is auxiliary, rving I-','%.f.' Xserved, 'going north/south.) 10 14 17 19 Develop mode Submit mode When done developing your program press the Submit for grading button below. This will submit your program for auto-grading. Submit for grading Sature of your work Input 90 Your output I- 90 is primary, going east/west. Expected output I-90 is primary, going east/west. 0 2: Auxiliary (290) Output is nearly correct; but whitespace differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input 290 Your output 1- 290 is auxiliary, serving I- 90, going east/west. I-290 is auxiliary, serving 1-90, going east/west. Expected output 3 Invalid (0) 1/1 Input 0 Your output is not a valid interstate highway number. 4. Compare output 0/2 Output is nearly correct; but whitespace differs. See highlights below Special character legend Input Your output

Answer :


See attachment for complete solution


The program in your question is unreadable.

So, I started from scratch (see attachment for complete solution)

Using the attached file as a point of reference.

The program has 15 lines

Line 1: Prompt the user for highway number (as an integer)

Line 2: Convert the user input to string

Line 3: Check if highway number is outside 1-999

Line 4: If line 3 is true, print a notice that the input is outside range

Line 5: If line 3 is not true

Line 6: Check if the number of highway digits is 2.

Line 7: If true, Check if highway number is an even number

Line 8: If even, print that the highway is primary and heads east/west

Line 9: If highway number is odd number

Line 10: Print that the highway is primary and heads north/south

Line 11: If the number of highway digits is 3

Line 12: Check if highway number is an even number

Line 13: If even, print that the highway is auxiliary and heads east/west

Line 14: If highway number is odd number

Line 15: Print that the highway is auxiliary and heads north/south

See attachment for complete program

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