Answer :
The beta cells of the pancreas produce a peptide hormone called insulin. It is an anabolic hormone that regulates the activity of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body.
In blood cells insulin helps to:
Keep blood glucose levels
The role can be explained as:
- Insulin is the anabolic protein that helps in breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins consumed in food. They signal the muscle and liver cells to absorb the glucose molecules present in the blood.
- They help the cells and tissues to regulate the glucose uptake for energy and also to store the excess glucose as a glycogen molecule.
- When there is an increased glucose concentration in blood cells then insulin cues liver cells to convert it into glycogen for future use.
- In the case of insufficient blood glucose it alerts liver cells to split the glycogen molecule into glucose for furnishing power and to counteract out the equilibrium in the body.
Therefore, insulin regulates blood glucose levels.
To learn more about insulin follow the link: