Items a through l represent possible errors and fraud that you suspect may be present at rex company. the accompanying list of auditing procedures represents procedures that the auditor would consider performing to gather evidence concerning possible errors and fraud. for each item, select one or two procedures, as indicated, that the auditor most likely would perform to gather evidence in support of that item. the procedures on the list may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Answer :


a. Compare the details of cash receipts with journal entries.

b. Prepare a bank transfer schedule.

c. Confirm the terms of borrowing with the lenders agreement.

d. Send request to confirm the entity's account receivable balance.

e. Inspect payroll data of employees and cross check with the transaction recorded.

f. Obtain cut off bank statement to reconcile the transaction.

g. Examine the selected repair order and physically examine the equipment whether repair work is don or not.

h. Examine the supporting documents for the invoice such as purchase order, goods received note and Purchase requisitions.

i. Inspect the payroll endorsements for similar handwriting.


Audit is mandatory for all the companies. The verified financial statements are considered as reliable because they are rechecked by the auditors and if any error or fraud is found it is immediately corrected and rectified. Audit is a critical process which involves objectivity and integrity of a person. The auditors must be independent and they should not have any familiarity with the business employees or owners.