Answer :
Name: tyler
Number of pizzas: 2
Small (10 inch, $7.95), Medium (12 inch, $9.95), and Large (14 inch, $11.95)
Pizza size: large
Available toppings: Ham, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Black Olives, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Spinach
$0.75 each for Small Pizza, $0.95 each for Medium Pizza, and $1.15 each for Large Pizza
Number of toppings: 2
Enter topping number 1: ham
Enter topping number 2: onions
Order Summary:
Customer Name: tyler
2 large pizzas with ['ham', 'onions']
Subtotal | Sales Tax (6%) | Total Cost
26.2 | 1.5719999999999998 | 27.772
name = input("Name: ")
num_pizzas = int(input("Number of pizzas: "))
print("Small (10 inch, $7.95), Medium (12 inch, $9.95), and Large (14 inch, $11.95)")
pizza_size = input("Pizza size: ").lower()
print("Available toppings: Ham, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Black Olives, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Spinach")
print("$0.75 each for Small Pizza, $0.95 each for Medium Pizza, and $1.15 each for Large Pizza")
num_toppings = int(input("Number of toppings: "))
toppings = []
subtotal = 0
tax = 0
total = 0
for i in range(1,num_toppings + 1):
toppings.append(input(f"Enter topping number {i}: "))
if pizza_size == 'small':
subtotal += num_pizzas * 7.95
subtotal += num_toppings * 0.75
tax += subtotal * 0.06
total += subtotal + tax
print("Order Summary: ")
print(f"Customer Name: {name}")
print(f"{num_pizzas} {pizza_size} pizzas with {toppings}")
print("Subtotal | Sales Tax (6%) | Total Cost")
print(f"{subtotal} | {tax} | {total}")
if pizza_size == 'medium':
subtotal += num_pizzas * 9.95
subtotal += num_toppings * 0.95
tax += subtotal * 0.06
total += subtotal + tax
print("Order Summary: ")
print(f"Customer Name: {name}")
print(f"{num_pizzas} {pizza_size} pizzas with {toppings}")
print("Subtotal | Sales Tax (6%) | Total Cost")
print(f"{subtotal} | {tax} | {total}")
if pizza_size == 'large':
subtotal += num_pizzas * 11.95
subtotal += num_toppings * 1.15
tax += subtotal * 0.06
total += subtotal + tax
print("Order Summary: ")
print(f"Customer Name: {name}")
print(f"{num_pizzas} {pizza_size} pizzas with {toppings}")
print("Subtotal | Sales Tax (6%) | Total Cost")
print(f"{subtotal} | {tax} | {total}")