At whose house do Odysseus and Telemachus arrive at when they return separately to Ithaca * book 16 in the odyssey *

Answer :


At the house of Eumaeus, the swineherd.


Homer's "The Odyssey" revolves around the journey of Odysseus and his men on their way back to Ithaca after the Battle of Troy. The plot follows the men through numerous obstacles to get to their destination.

In Chapter XVI, Odysseus (in disguise) had come upon the house of his swineherd Eumaeus. He pretended to be a stranger, new in the town. Eumaeus offers him food and a place to rest. Later on, Telemachus also turned up at the swineherd's house, having just arrived from his journey to find his father.

Thus, the father-son duo met at the house of Eumaeus.