why does the art under Constantine begin to move away from the verism of the High Empire

Answer :


in Taiwan it is believe that spitting bones on the floor is cleaner than putting them on the plate

The art under Constantine began to move away from the verism of the High Empire for the following reason.

  • Roman art began to move away from common-day expressions to a more heroic type of art because emperor Constantine considered himself a heroic figure.
  • With Constantine began a period in Rome in which Roman emperors thought they were a type of God-like figures with a total domain of their territories.

  • And they wanted Roman art to express their heroic battles and God-like decisions.
  • Constantine (280-337) ruled the Roman Empire in 312.

  • He began his ruling in Western Rome and, in 324 he controlled, all the Roman territory, East and West.
  • Constantine moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, considering it a strategic place to establish the center of the Roman Empire.

We conclude that with the arrival of Emperor Constantine to power, Roman art moved from the verism of the High Empire to a more heroic, God.-like type of art that exalted the emperor's feats.

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