What are the role of weather in Agriculture and transportation sectors

Answer :


Occurrences of erratic weather are beyond human

control. It is possible, however, to adapt to or miti-

gate the effects of adverse weather if a forecast of the

expected weather can be obtained in time. Rural

proverbs abound in rules of thumb for anticipation

of local weather and timing of agricultural opera-

tions in light of expected weather. Basu (1953) found

no scientific basis for anticipation of weather in

many of the popular proverbs and folklore. In a

recent study, Banerjee et al. (2003) arrived at conclu-

sions similar to that of Basu (1953). The proverbs

and local lore show, however, that farmers have been

keen to know in advance the likely weather situa-

tions for crop operations from time immemorial.

Agronomic strategies to cope with changing weather

are available. For example, delays in the start of crop