Select the 3 failed promises that culminated in the Civil Rights Movement.

Question 1 options:

the 14th Amendment

19th Amendment

the 15th Amendment

the Black Codes

the Declaration of Independence

(8.1) Which agency was established by President Roosevelt in response to African American demands for equitable treatment in war industries?

Question 2 options:

the Civilian Conservation Corps

the Fair Employment Practices Commission

the Social Security Administration

the Committee on Civil Rights

(8.1) President Truman issued an executive order to desegregate...

Question 3 options:



government agencies

the military

(8.1) The Civil Rights Movement was successful in applying the strategies that were used to gain India's independence by...

Question 4 options:

Golda Meir


Ravi Shankar


(8.1) Select 3 terms that describe successful strategies of the Civil Rights Movement.

Question 5 options:

militant radicalism


direct action

civil disobedience

Answer :


1. 19th amendment, 14th amendment. and the Black Codes.

2. Fair Employment Practices Commission

3. Armed Forces (military) (executive order 9981, occurred in 1948)

4. Ghandi (Ghandi was known for being a promoting peace through peaceful protest. This strategy was also a huge factor in the success of the Civil Rights Movement.

5. Nonviolent, direct action, and civil disobedience were all practiced during the Civil Rights Movement. Nonviolence was practiced so no one would get hurt, and black people knew that violence would only make their circumstances worse. The military and police had more weapons, so violence would only end bad for us. Direct action was practiced as way to let everyone know that the African Americans wanted true freedom and equality. Civil disobedience was also practiced as a defense mechanism. Blacks had few rights, and were treated horribly, so they started to rebel.
