In honor of Women’s History month…
Name and describe a known/famous woman in your life who has had a significant impact on you

Answer :

you could do sojourner truth.

something like this would be a good start:

Sojourner Truth was a former slave who became famously known for fighting for civil and women’s rights. An example of her work for women’s rights is she conducted one of the the most famous abolitionist and woman’s rights speeches in American history titled “ain’t I a woman?”. she continued to speak out for rights of Africa Americans and women during the civil war. I look up to her for her bravery and outspokenness as well as the changes she had made for the American people.
Calueen (a girl before rosa parks) make a big impact on me because she was 15 and preganet and yet she didnt give up her sit for a white person and shes not famous as rosa parks because she didnt have nice hair she wasnt “fair skinned“ and she was preganet