Find the points of intersections of the two graphs.

Graph 1

Day Number Daylight Minutes
1 492
32 563
60 661
91 776
121 883
152 964
182 975
213 911
244 808
274 697
305 586
335 505

Graph 2

Day Number Daylight Minutes
1 843
32 809
60 762
91 705
121 655
152 619
182 615
213 642
244 690
274 743
305 797
335 836

(77.90, 728.75) and (265.87, 728.24)
(78.19, 734.92) and (264.36, 734.34)
(76.84, 678.25) and (276.45, 778.25)
(79.56, 736.58) and (279.56, 779.62)