Harry Potter Quiz :D

q.1) What are the names of Harry Potter's two best friends?

q.2) What Hogwarts House is Harry in?

q.3)Who is Harry Potter's enemy?

q.4)What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team?

q.5) What country is Harry Potter from?

was it easy ?!?!?

Answer :


1. Hermione and Ron

2. Gryffindor

3.Draco Malfoy


5.United Kingdom


Yeah it was easy


1- Harry's 2 bestfriends names are Ron and Hermione

2- Harry's house is Gryffindors

3- who is harry potter's enemy is draco

4- What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team, he plays seeker

5- what country harry is from Godric's Hollow


These are your answers have a great day(or night)