Which of these statements from the article provides the STRONGEST support for the idea that segregated schools are unfair for poor minority students?

The proportion of such schools — where more than 75 percent of children receive free or reduced-price lunches and more than 75 percent are black or Hispanic — climbed from 9 percent to 16 percent during the same period.
High-poverty, majority-black and Hispanic schools were less likely to offer a full range of math and science courses than other schools, for example, and more likely to use expulsion and suspension as disciplinary tools, according to the GAO.
"Segregation in public K-12 schools isn't getting better; it's getting worse, and getting worse quickly, with more than 20 million students of color now attending racially and socioeconomically isolated public schools," he said in a statement Tuesday.
The persistence of racial divisions in the nation's public schools was underscored Friday when a federal judge ordered a Mississippi district to integrate its middle and high schools, capping a legal battle that had dragged on for five decades.