Riya is painting the walls and ceiling of a cuboidal hall with length,
breadth and height of 25 m, 12 m and 8 m respectively. From each can of
paint 200 m2 of area is painted. How many cans of paint will she need to
paint the room?

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

We firat gotta calculate the surface area of the walls and the ceiling


(25 × 8) m2 × 2

=200m2 × 2


(25 × 12)m2 × 2

=300m2 × 2


We have to times it by 2 because there is 2 walls


(12 × 8) m2



400m2 + 600m2 + 96m2


Cans needed

1096m2 ÷ 200m2 = 5 remainder of 96

Remainder becomes another can so

5 + 1 = 6


LSA of a cuboid = 2(l+b) h

= 2×( 25+12) 8

= 592m square

how many cans reqired?

1 can = 200 m sq

therefore, 592 msq = 592÷200

= 2.96