Answer :
most humans have emotions
how to kill a moking jay
more work
don't get hung up on what you could've done and be yourself
We all have emotions and dreams for the future.
Probably 1984 by George Orwell, but maybe later on in high school because it’s kind of deep and there’s explicit content in some parts.
More work. If you enjoy what your doing, then it isn’t really work and it isn’t a drudgery.
Freedom, territory, beliefs (religion), if one country wants to take over the world. Cough cough World War II
Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If other people don’t like who that is, then they aren’t your friends and they can live their own life.
Probably 1984 by George Orwell, but maybe later on in high school because it’s kind of deep and there’s explicit content in some parts.
More work. If you enjoy what your doing, then it isn’t really work and it isn’t a drudgery.
Freedom, territory, beliefs (religion), if one country wants to take over the world. Cough cough World War II
Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If other people don’t like who that is, then they aren’t your friends and they can live their own life.