Answer :
They could have a special secret that boone not even their parents know about. They could also know someone from the past that just so happens to be in the new area they are going.
Just some ideas. Hope the story goes well. Also hope this helped!!
well you could do a mystery romance thingy.
Good girl moves to a small town. She doesn't know anyone. She goes to church and people think she's a goody goody.
She's a freshman or sophomore.
She meets this Junior boy at her church so she thinks he's good.
she falls for him because he's hot.
she gets to know him and he turns out to be a bad boy. bad reputation.
he never tells her stuff even though they have become friends, but people give her weird looks and her new friends try to warn her.
weird things start happening.
kids die at a party the boy went to.
girls go missing, etc.
girl feels like she's being stocked or something.
more weird stuff.
he looks super suspicious.
find out in the end, it was just this "invisible" kid who was always lurking in the background looking innocent but he wasn't innocent.
the bad boy was innocent. and he turns out to just be really broken.
he falls for the new girl.
the end.
i don't know what level you are as a writer or your grade or anything. but this was just an idea based on real life, minus the bad stuff happening.