SERCIOGO SERCIOGO Computers and Technology Answered Can someone URGENTLY help me with my java code (I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST)!? Ive been working on it for hours and its not working! *examples of required output at the bottom* code: public class CircularList { private ListNode head; private ListNode tail; private int size; public CircularList() { head = tail = null; size = 0; } public int size() { return size; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); } public int first() { if (head != null) { return head.getValue(); } return -1; } public Integer last() { if (tail != null) { return tail.getValue(); } return -1; } public void addFirst(Integer value) { head = new ListNode(value, head); if (tail == null) { tail = head; } size++; } public void addLast(Integer value) { ListNode newTail = new ListNode(value, null); if (tail != null) { tail.setNext(newTail); tail = newTail; } else { head = tail = newTail; } size++; } public void addAtPos(int pos, Integer value) { if (pos == 0) { addFirst(value); return; } if (pos <= 0 || pos > size) { return; } if (pos == size) { addLast(value); return; } ListNode ptr = head; for(int i=0; i = size) { return retVal; } if (pos == 0) { return removeFirst(); } ListNode ptr = head; for(int i=0; i ptr = ptr.getNext(); } retVal = ptr.getNext().getValue(); if (pos == size-1) { tail = ptr; tail.setNext(null); } else { ptr.setNext(ptr.getNext().getNext()); } size--; return retVal; } public int findNode(Integer find) { ListNode ptr = head; for(int pos=0; pos if (ptr.getValue() == find) { return pos; } ptr = ptr.getNext(); } return -1; } public void rotate() { addLast(removeFirst()); } public String toString() { String output = ""; ListNode iter = head; while(iter != null) { output += String.format("%d ", iter.getValue()); iter = iter.getNext(); } return output; } } size = 6 first = 50 last = 60 50 20 10 40 30 60 removeFirst = 50 size = 5 first = 20 last = 60 20 10 40 30 60 removed = 30 size = 4 first = 20 last = 60 20 10 40 60 size = 4 first = 20 last = 60 20 10 40 60 found at -1 removed = -1 size = 4 first = 20 last = 60 20 10 40 60 size = 4 first = 10 last = 20 10 40 60 20