If a telescope could zoom even further in, and look beyond the hdf , what do you think they would see?

Answer :

Which space telescope is used to see distant objects?

  • The Hubble Space Telescope, often known as HST or Hubble, is an observatory that was put into low-Earth orbit in 1990 and is still in use today.
  • Although it wasn't the first space telescope, it is one of the biggest and most useful ones. It is famous for being both an essential scientific tool and a public relations success for astronomy.
  • The only telescope made with astronaut maintenance in mind is Hubble. Five Space Shuttle trips have been used to replace, improve, and repair the telescope's systems.
  • Since Hubble is orbiting outside of Earth's distorted atmosphere, it can take extraordinarily high-resolution pictures with a lot less background light than ground-based telescopes can.

The Hubble telescope and other space telescopes can be used to zoom at distant objects.

Learn more about space telescopes here:
