1. Do you feel that dance is a Sport? What evidence can you include to back up your claim (Include evidence from the article)?
2. Do you think dance is more of a Social Activity than a Fitness Trend (meaning it is not intended for exercising or losing weight purposes). Please include evidence from the article to back up your claim.
3. Do you feel that dance is all 5 (Hobby, Sport, Fitness Trend, Social Activity, and Skill)? Is it even possible to be all five of these things? Include evidence from the article to support your claim.
(heres the article :p) https://www.arthurmurraycrowsnest.com.au/blog-posts/dance-tips/is-dancing-a-hobby-a-sport-fitness-trendnbspsocial-activity-skill-or-all-five
1. Yes i feel like dance is a sport, including different type and styles of dance there’s jazz, ballet, hip hop, and etc is requires a lot of training and memorizing steps (not sure what article this is my personal response)