Answer :
What are the advantages of using a computer?
- Although there are disadvantages to using a computer, we believe the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages (although we may be biased). Below is a list of the main advantages and benefits you'll get and society gets from using a computer.
Increase your productivity
- Computers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you become more productive at everything you do. For example, once you have a basic understanding of using a word processor, you can create, store, edit, share, and print documents and letters. Each of these things was either impossible or slower with all pre-existing technologies.
Connects you to the Internet
- Connecting a computer to the Internet is what unlocks the full potential of a computer. Once connected, your choices and available options are almost limitless. Many of the benefits listed on this page are with a computer connected to the Internet.
Can make you money?
- When connected to the Internet, a computer could help you make money many different ways. For example, it's cheaper to create and run an online store than having a physical store. Also, once online, your store or product has a global audience and you could sell to anyone in the world.
Save time
Today, there are many services that help save you time. Several examples are listed below.
- Using a site like Amazon, you can find many of the same products you would find at a store for the same price or cheaper. You can also have those items shipped to your door without having to leave your home.
- You could use an online banking site to view your bank balance and pay bills.
- If your favorite restaurant has a website, you can order take out without having to wait in line.
- You can view online traffic cameras and maps with traffic information to find the quickest route.