Answer :
I haven't written in a while so this is practice!
You and your friends were in charge of the compound words. Norman, being "nasty" has stolen them, as you and your friends begin to get them back you split up.
"Norman could've put the words anywhere, or given them to anybody." You said in doubt that you could find the words.
As you and the friend you split up with walk into a mysterious woods you see a small two-story house. You and your friend enter the building.
"Alright, you head upstairs and i'll check down here" Your friend states as he starts to walk in a different direction.
Everything seemed to pop out when you went upstairs, you found multiple words! Huh, sure seems Norman underestimated you and your friend's. As you have this thought you hear a noise behind you.
"You weren't supposed to find the words! I hid them so well..." You heard a voice say, you suspected that it was Norman.
As you turn, you turn to look "Nasty" Norman in the face. You can see the moonlight reflect off of his hazel eyes.
"Norman, why do you hate compound words so much?! Your not only affecting yourself by stealing them, but me and my friends to!" You state rather loudly.
"I...." Norman mutters.
"What?" You respond rather rudely.
"I just don't understand them, and it makes me dislike them." He says doubtfully as if he thinks saying this will cause a repercussion.
"If that's the case why didn't you just ask me! From now on don't dislike things you don't understand, i mean there will be things earthbound that you dont understand and you cant dislike everything!".