Answer :
spoil system was a method of appointing officials to the government of the United States of America based on political connections rather than on impersonal measures of merit.
our 7th president andrew jackson invented the spoil system
It ensured loyal, enthusiastic and cooperative supporters of the presidential administration in the civil service.
It maintained an active party organization by offering loyal supporters occupational rewards.
The Spoils system is a practice in which the political party winning an election rewards its campaign workers and other active supporters by appointment to government posts and with other favours.
There were some good and some bad that the system gave to the country such as It allowed people who were not fit for government jobs to hold office. It also allowed politicians to wield an enormous amount of power, as they controlled people's jobs, and thus, income and lifestyle. Federal employees were not honest to Jackson even if something he was doing was wrong and corrupt. Some of the pros was the people who were given the jobs worked diligently
Did not take the job or Andrew Jackson for granted