A plant has a genotype of SsYy for Seed shape (S=round, s= wrinkled) and seed color. (Y= Yellow y= green.) What allele combinations could this plant have in its gametes? (Hint: what combination of shape and color alleles would their sperm/egg contain?)

Answer :


Gametes) SY, Sy, sY, sy


  • SS or Ss = round, dominant
  • ss = wrinkled, recessive
  • YY or Yy = Yellow, dominant
  • yy = green, recessive
  • A plant has a genotype of SsYy

Genotype) Ss Yy

Gametes) SY, Sy, sY, sy

When the germ cell suffers meiosis, there are four possible types of daughter cells (gametes)

Chromosome      ---S-------Y----




Genes are diallelic and gametes result from all the possible combinations among the allele types present in the cell. In this example, there are two heterozygous genes.

S combines with Y and y

s combines with Y and y

If it is easier for you, you can make a diagram

S ------- Y ------>  SY

S-------- y ------> Sy

s --------Y -------> sY

s -------- y -------> sy