"‘You are lazy,' said the Eldest Magician. ‘So your children shall be lazy. They shall be the laziest people in the world. They shall be called the Malazy—the lazy people;' and he held up his finger to the Moon and said, ‘O Fisherman, here is the Man too lazy to row home. Pull his canoe home with your line, Fisherman.'"

Answer :

"‘You are lazy,’ said the Eldest Magician. ‘So your children shall be lazy. They shall be the laziest people in the world. They shall be called the Malazy—the lazy people;’ and he held up his finger to the Moon and said, ‘O Fisherman, here is the Man too lazy to row home. Pull his canoe home with your line, Fisherman.’"

How does repetition affect the narrator's tone?

Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone angry.

Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone humorous.

Repetition of the word Fisherman makes the tone playful.

Repetition of the word Fisherman makes the tone serious.


Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone humorous.
