The brutal hits that football players sustain on the field can cause severe, debilitating health
issues. Trumatic brain injuries caused by concussions can lead to paralysis, critical mental
health problems, and even death. Recent rule changes and improvements in helmet technology
have made things somewhat safer for players. However, perhaps the most important way to
protect players is to change the way the sport is portrayed by the media.
Sports media shows routinely provide fans with highlight reels of savage tackles and intense
hits. Fans are conditioned to cheer for athletes who play with a ruthlessly aggressive style. By
exalting such dangerous behavior, fans and the media encourage players to injure each other.
Until they are no longer rewarded for playing in such a violent, reckless style, football players
will continue putting their lives on the line for the sake of entertainment.
1. According to the author, fans can help to improve the health and safety of football
players by
A. demanding improvements in helmet technology
B. refusing to watch sports media
c. nor watching football
D. nor cheering for athletes who play aggressively

Answer :


its D. because the passage doesnt talk about A it says they already had helmet advances. b cant be right because he isnt against football players and that would hurt his job C isnt right because he doesnt say no one should watch football he says new people shouldnt take footage of bad tackles or stuff with force because the viewers want more of that


also here some evidence its proof "Until they are no longer rewarded for playing in such a violent, reckless style, football players

will continue putting their lives on the line for the sake of entertainment."