what are the 4 P's of storytelling

Answer :


I believe it is People, Passion, Purpose and Product



People, Passion, Purpose, and Product.


 When crafting a good story you need to keep the following four elements in mind: People, Passion, Purpose, Product.

People – Your story should describe the role you play in people’s lives. Therefore, your story needs to resonate with the listener. To do so, first write for the emotions you want to elicit then find the words that help you convey them.

Passion – Effective storytelling helps erase doubts in a prospect’s mind. Since what you’re really doing when you’re agvocating is selling you and your industry, a properly crafted story can garner attention, dispel doubts and solidify the truth, help build critical relationships, and resonate enough to leave a lasting impression. Finding the fodder for a well-crafted story means drawing on the passion and belief you have in your life’s work and speaking from the heart.

Purpose – Stories can help increase the value of a product. In a 2009 experiment, a couple of researchers bought $129 worth of junk at garage sales then put it all up for sale on eBay, but only after they added a ‘background’ story about each piece. They ended up making $3,600 on $129 worth of stuff due to people connecting emotionally with each piece through the story. Your purpose as an agvocate is to not only spread correct information about Canadian agriculture, but to elevate the brand by demonstrating its value to individuals and society.

Product – Don’t focus solely on the product. While it might be the best thing since sliced bread (and I think we can all agree farming is pretty great – who doesn’t love or need to eat?!), an amazing product in and of itself doesn’t necessarily make a great story. The reason behind (the passion, the benefits) the product, however, can be captivating.