Jenson is a private security officer who works at the door of a club which is sanctioned to only allow individuals who are 21 and over to enter. The club owners ask Jenson and the other security officers to allow females under the age of into the club. Jenson does not feel comfortable with allowing this. He decides not to personally allow under-aged individuals in, but knows other security officers are allowing them in.
C. Illegal
Your reasons :

Answer :



1. if they are allowing individuals under the age of 21 in they need to have a stamp or a badge that has to be visable or they will be kicked out.

2 the individuals that are the age or above 21 should have a different badge that indicates that they are the age of or above 21 and must be visible or they will get kicked out.

3 if they are allowing underage individuals in they must have people watching them so they don't sneak alcoholic beverages.
