Matt E. Matic was applying for a job. To determine whether he could handle the job, the personnel manager sent him out to poll 100 people about their favorite types of TV shows. His data were as follows. 58 preferred comedies. 38 preferred variety shows. 44 preferred serious drama. 19 preferred comedies and variety programs. 14 preferred variety and serious drama. 15 preferred comedies and serious drama. 7 preferred all types. 5 did not like any of these TV show types. If you were the personnel manager, would you hire Matt on the basis of this survey

Answer :

Answer: No, I wouldn't because he didn't do what he was told.

Step-by-step explanation: Using Matt's survey we draw a Venn Diagram.

Venn Diagram is a diagram used to show the logical relationship between two or more set of items.

The survey Matt did is represented below.

To construct the diagram:

1) Create 3 sets of data (represented by the circles) intersecting each other;

2) The space where the three intersect is the number of people surveyed that preferred all types. So, we write 7 in the space;

3) According to the research, 19 preferred comedies and variety. But there are already 7 in the intersect, so, 12 has those preferences;

4) Following the same logic, 14 preferred variety and drama. Then, 7 has those preferences;

5) And, 8 preferred comedy and drama;

6) Now, to determine how many of them has an exclusive preference, we take the data and subtract the already known values:

  • Comedy: 58 - 12 - 7 - 8 = 31;
  • Variety: 38  - 12 - 7 - 7 =  12;
  • Drama: 44 - 8 - 7 - 7 = 22;

7) 5 don't like any of the types, so it is represented outside the three circles;

After creating the Diagram, we can determine how many people answered the poll:

total = 31 + 12 + 12 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 22 + 5

total = 104

Therefore, as a personnel manager, I wouldn't hire Mr. Matic because he was supposed to poll 100 people but he polled 104 people.