Answer :
40 lawns would be mown , 0 cars would be washed
40 cars, 0 lawns
20 lawns 20 cars
25 lawns 25 cars
a. If they all mow lawns and they have 10 hours a day to work, the total number of lawn mown = (1 x 10) + (1 x 10) +(2 x 10) = 40 lawns
If they mow lawns only, they would wash cars. So, the total of cars washed would be 0
b. If they all wash cars and they have 10 hours a day to work, the total number of cars washed = (1 x 10) + (2 x 10) +(1 x 10) = 40 cars
If they wash cars only, they would not mow any lawn. So, the total of lawns mown would be 0
c If they all spend half their time on each activity, they would wash cars for 5 hours and mow lawns for 5 hours
Lawns mown = (1 x 5) + (1 x 5) +(2 x 5) = 20 lawns
Cars washed = (1 x 5) + (2 x 5) +(1 x 5) = 20 cars
d. If Sam spends half his time on each activity, he would spend 5 hours on each activity. He would wash 5 cars and mow 5 lawns
If Andrew washes only cars, he would wash (2 x 10) = 20 cars
If Darnell only mows lawns, she would wash (2 x 10) = 20 lawns
This gives a total of 25 cars and 25 lawns