How many days will it take a culture of bacteria
to increase from 400 to 40,000 if the growth rate
is 83.4% per day?
A. 7.1 days
B. 7.4 days
C. 7.6 days
D. 7.9 days

Answer :


BTris-HCl (0.5M Tris Base, pH7.6):

Trizma Base ---------------------------------- 61 g

Distilled water ------------------------------- 1000 ml

Adjust pH 7.6 using concentrated HCl

Store this solution at room temperature. Dilute 1:10 with distilled water before use

and adjust pH if necessary.

20X Tris-HCl (1M Tris Base, pH7.6):

Trizma Base ---------------------------------- 122 g

Distilled water ------------------------------- 1000 ml

Adjust pH 7.6 using concentrated HCl

Store this solution at room temperature. Dilute 1:20 with distilled water before use

and adjust pH if necessary.

10X Tris-HCl-Tween 20 (0.5M Tris Base, 0.5% Tween 20, pH7.6):

Trizma Base ---------------------------------- 61 g

Distilled water ------------------------------- 1000 ml

Adjust pH 7.6 using concentrated HCl and then add 5 ml of Tween 20.

Store this solution at room temperature. Dilute 1:10 with distilled water before use

and adjust pH if necessary.

Note: Tris-HCl Buffer is used for specific cases of immunohistochemical staining.

*** OR you can use Tris Base to make Tr


Step-by-step explanation:

7.6 days

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