Explain how a speech topic could be organized using different organizational patterns. List the organizational patterns provided in the textbook. Explain the connection between the type of outline you would choose, and the impact it can have on delivery.

Answer :

Answer and Explanation:

The topic of a speech can be organized into different patterns. In general there are three patterns that are chronological, spatial and division by topics. The use of each one of them must be associated with the objective of the speaker and the nature of the topic of the speech. In this case, we can consider that the chronological pattern allows the topic of the speech to be organized in relation to time.

This type of organization would be interesting for discreet people who want to make comparisons between how a subject was approached in the past and how it is approached today. The outline for this type of standard must have specific dates and events.

The spatial pattern promotes exploration in terms of geographic space and how the main topic is analyzed in different regions. An outline for this pattern must be presented with names of places, borders, among others.

The division by topics should be used when the main topic will be covered comprehensively, presenting different strands and interpretations. The outline should also present these topics and the relationship between them.


Speakers can use a variety of different organizational patterns, including categorical/topical, comparison/contrast, spatial, chronological, biographical, causal, problem-cause-solution, and psychological.
