If the internet were to crash forever, what would the benefits be for you? The drawbacks? Write a 7 sentence response.

Answer :

if the internet were to crash I believe there would be many positives over negatives. With teenagers the crash would help us regain some positive mental health because we wouldn’t have that constant urge to check our phones for notifications and new messages. I also think it would create less hate and maybe some isolation for other teens in quarantine who can’t leave their house. Likely the crash would help more people figure out what they like to do and create more creativity as there aren’t certain expectations from others. I do think the isolation would be terrible and create lots of harm among lots of people because the internet is a way of communication and gather place for many people. The people in abusive homes wouldn’t have an escape and sadly I think this would cause and increase in deaths. Even though the internet is dark and bad it is an escape for many people so I think it’s good to have


If the internet was to crash forever then I would be both happy and angry at the same time. I only use the internet to read, and to get art ideas. The benefits of it would be that no one could go trolling people online. One of the drawbacks would be that I wouldn't be able to post my art. I wouldn't be able to see all the amazing work that inspire me. I wouldn't be able to get any help with my homework because my parents have no idea of what I'm learning in school. Now that I think about it, if the internet crashed I would feel empty.