Answer :
Adele: Dans quel bol est-ce que tu as râpé les carottes?
Franck: Je les ai râpées dans celui-ci
bol → masc.sing so "Je les ai râpées dans (masc.sing word)
celui-ci → masc.sing
celle-ci → fem.sing
celles-ci → fem.plur
ceux-ci → masc.plur
The demonstrative pronoun that correctly completes the conversation is: "celui-ci" (Option A)
Why is the above the right choice?
"celui-ci" is the correct option or demonstrative pronoun because it meets the "gender" requirement (masculine) of the correct pronoun as well as it's singularity form. (singular)
Note that:
- celle-ci is feminine singula
- celles-ci is femining plural; and
- ceux-ci → masculine plural
Learn more about demonstrative pronouns at;