There are two steps for XYZ bakery to make their bread. One is to prepare the dough and bake the loaves, and the other one is to package the loaves. Bread is made in batches of 50 loaves per hour and it will take 20 minutes to place the 50 loaves in bags.
a. What is the utilization for the packaging?

b. What do you need to do to make the capacities to be roughly equal?

Answer :


a. Potential Packing Output/hr = (50 loaves/20 min) * 60 min = 150 loaves.

However, the production of 50 loaves takes 60 mins, so the packaging remains idle for 40 mins and the Actual Packing Output/hr = 50 loaves.

Hence, Capacity Utilization = (Actual Output/Potential Output) *100% = (50/150)*100% = 33.33%

b) Production output = 50 loaves/hr = 50 loaves/60 mins

Packing Output = 50 loaves/20 mins

So, to make both the capacities equal, the XYZ Bakery can simultaneously operate three batches to prepare the dough and bake i.e 150 loaves/60 mins for both production as well as packing.