Question: How is wind speed and direction related to air temperature?

1. Think about it Imagine a pocket of air over the land ("land air"), and another pocket of air

over the ocean ("ocean air").

A Which air pocket would you expect to heat up more during the day?



Which air pocket would you expect to cool down more at night

Answer :


The wind  moves from regions of lower air temperature to regions of higher air temperature because of a pressure differential set up by the two air masses


Relationship between wind speed and direction to air temperature:

wind flows from regions of lower air temperature to regions of higher air temperature because of a pressure differential set up by the two air masses.

A.  The land air will heat up more during the day. This is because the land has a lower specific heat capacity than water, hence increases a lot more rapidly in temperature than the sea when the sun comes up.

B.  The air packet over the land will cool down more rapidly at night due to the lower specific heat capacity of land when compared to the sea.